This website is operated by The Swatch Group (Österreich) GmbH with its registered office in Vienna.

Contact details:

The Swatch Group (Österreich) GmbH
Company register FN 45845w, Commercial Court Vienna
ARES Tower
Donau-City-Straße 11/18th Floor

1220 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 981 85 45

Object of the company: trade in watches and jewelry

Sales tax identification number: ATU14773100

Data Processing Register Number: 0746037swa

The Swatch Group (Österreich) GmbH is a member of the Vienna Economic Chamber

Supervisory authority according to ECG:

Municipal District Office of the I. District, Vienna

Municipal District Office of the XXII District, Vienna

Applicable trade or professional regulations:

Trade Regulation Act (

Mandatory information on alternative dispute resolution:

The EU's online dispute resolution platform for online sales and service contracts can be found at

The Austrian arbitration board for consumer transactions can be found at

However, The Swatch Group (Österreich) GmbH is not obliged to participate in any of these alternative dispute resolution procedures.

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  • "Dr.Swatch" Icon Dr.Swatch
  • "Satisfied or Reimbursed" Icon Satisfied or Reimbursed
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